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Unit 1 Discussion Topic 2

Unit 1 Discussion Topic 2

Q Unit 1 Discussion Topic 2 Four Functions of Management Present and future managers benefit from becoming proficient in the four functions of management (i.e., POLC), as addressed in your reading and learning activities. Address the following questions regarding POLC below. • Describe an example when you have used each of the four functions in either a personal, school, or work experience. • Have you ever used all four functions in a civic, personal, or work experience? Explain. • Which function(s) do you believe you personally need the most additional training in? Explain. • In which of the POLC functions do you believe you are strongest? Why? DISCUSSION INSTRUCTIONS In each course you take at Purdue University Global, you are part of a learning community. All members are working to strengthen their professional and communication skills and achieve their academic and career goals. Group discussion allows for new perspectives and personal growth. Discussion Boards are an important part of your learning; they provide an opportunity to asynchronously interact with your classmates and instructor. Using the required academic readings and supplemental academic research, you will address the questions in the Discussion Board while adhering to the Discussion Board Rubric.

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There are four functions of management one planning, organizing, leading, and control. When planning your defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities. Organizing consists of determining what tasks are to be done, and who is to do them, how the task should be grouped, who to report to, and where decisions are to be made. Leading always motivates employees, directing others, selecting the most effective communication channels, and resolving conflicts. Controlling monitors activities to ensure that they are being accomplished as planned and making corrections as needed.